Leadership University Class Schedule
Leadership University Class Schedule
An opportunity to meet and get to know your classmates before the opening retreat.
The seven major goals: leadership skills, problem solving, communication, self-esteem, trust decision making, and team work to step our of your comfort zone and build long lasting relationships.
This session is designed to explore traits of effective leadership and diversity.
To tour areas of Jackson-Madison County that you may have never been exposed to.

Tourism, Arts, Culture & Downtown
Planned to give the participants an opportunity to visit with local professionals including the mayors, the Chamber, and others who are importance to our economic development.
Project selected by the class to work together to make an impact in the community.
This session focuses on issues and actions that impact our youth, their families, and our community. IT also teaches how to make good choice in the face of adversity or peer pressure.
You will be able to hear from leaders in our criminal justice system including the Jackson Police and Sheriff’s Department, Gang/Drug taskforce, Metro Narcotics, and US Marshall services.
Participants will be exposed to higher education opportunities in Jackson, as well as financial responsibility.
Mid-April, at Union University